How we do it

Empowering the workforce to take ownership of their health and wellbeing, be understanding of others, develop emotional intelligence and so they feel part of the organisation, valued and involved. We embed knowledge which will foster teamwork, encouraging workers to engage and be present.

For managers this means helping them to recognise the importance of their role in workforce wellbeing. By raising their awareness of stress and how it can be reduced/prevented, we will provide a template for a positive culture of communication and inclusion, inspiring them to be the best that they can be. Building a resilient organisation

For the workforce this means enabling them to manage their own stress raisers and communicate with up-line staff in a way which encourages mutual benefits and improves efficiency. Through everyday examples we will de-stigmatise the various types of mental ill-health and cultivate a better understanding of how to improve an individual’s resilience to adversity.

Take a look at our training packages